#5 WINS!
Check it out below

Nice Tummy Contest #3!
Look at the girls tummies, then vote on your favorite!

Contestant #1
Vote for #1!

Contestant #2
vote for #2!

Contestant #3
Vote for #3!

Contestant #4
Vote for #4

Contestant #5
Vote for #5

Contestant #6
Vote for #6!

Contestant #7
vote for #7!

Contestant #8
Vote for #8!

Contestant #9
Vote for #9

Contestant #10
Vote for #10

We have a winner! #5 Congratulations Contestant #5

Here are the results as of 04/18/2002

Here is Contestant #5 wearing her prize

CandyLee, you are unstopable! Thanks! Best of luck in the finals!

Click here to enter your tummy in the next contest.

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